Job for Pharmacist at Gun and Shell factory hospital

Gun and Shell's factory was established in 1801 in the name of GUN CARRIAGE AGENCY by the EAST INDIA COMPANY for repair and manufacture of gun carriages.  The transformation from bullock-driver contrivances of Gun Carriage Agency to that of a maker of sophisticated weapon systems is an absorbing story of technological advancement in consonance with developments in modern military hardware.
A Walk-in-interview will be held at Gun & Shell Factory Hospital. Cossipore on 06.02.2018 at 10 am for the following professional on contractual basis for 179 days/ 06 months. Any individual will not be hired more than once in a calendar year:
Post: Pharmacist
No. of post: 01
Emoluments Basic Pay: Rs. 29,200/- + D.A. + T.A. as applicable
Age: Above 18 years
Nature of duties: 
Procurement, Storage. Maintenance. Supply, Accounting and Security of Medical Stores.
Dispensing of Medicine, proper housekeeping of Pharmacy & Medical Stores.
Medical Stores & Pharmacy related all correspondence.
Minimum Qualification:
Passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with Science from a Recognised Board.
Candidate should possess the certificate as Registered Pharmacist having passed two years Diploma course/ D.Pharma / B.Pharma with three months training in Pharmacy from an Institution recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Desirable: Should have the working knowledge of Computers.
Candidates kindly note that:
1 Interested candidates are required to attend the interview along with all original certificates of essential qualification, age, character certificate from two Gazetted Officers of Central/ State Govt. They should also bring two passport sized photographs.
2. The monthly fees for Hired personnel will not be more than the minimum of the pay (Basic + D.A. - T.A ) for post. Quotation of Monthly fees will be asked from the selected panel candidates in sealed cover. The lowest quotation will be accepted.
3. During the validity of the tenure the Hired Pharmacist is at liberty to resign for betterment of his/ her career or any other grounds by giving 7 days notice to the Factory. The Factory can also terminate at any time during the tenure by giving 7 days notice without assigning any reason what so ever.
4. Terms & Conditions w.r.t. deployment on duty will be informed during walk-in-interview.

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