HETERO LABS LTD. Walk In For M.Sc,Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry,B.Tech,M.Tech on 2 March

Career for M.Pharm, M.S Pharm to work in diabetes research at BITS

The Pharmacy department of BITS Pilani is one of the few early schools of Pharmacy in India. Established in 1950, under the able leadership of (Late) Prof. M. L. Schroff, Father of Pharmacy Education in India, it blossomed into one of the most sought after Schools of Pharmacy in India due to its broad-based education system and university-industry linkages, which is the hallmark of BITS, Pilani. In the year of 2011, the Department of Pharmacy has completed 60 years of its existence as a premier ins titution in the field of Pharmacy Education and Research in India and abroad. Alumni are well placed in India as well as abroad in various pharmaceutical companies, government organizations like drug control, research laboratories, etc., and in several well-known academic institutions.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to work as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, Govt of India sponsored project at Department of Pharmacy, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus.
Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No of post : 01
Title: Nano-formulation of lysofylline-fatty acid conjugate for effective treatment of diabetes.
Duration: Till November 2018 (end date for the project)
Fellowship: As per DST-SERB norms
Principal Investigator: Dr. Anupama Mittal (Email ID: anupama.mittal@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in)
Job Responsibilities & Required Skills
Candidates should be well versed with preparation and characterization of nanoformulations. In addition, he/she should have hands on experience with cell culture studies and animal handling.
Candidate Profile
M. Pharm/ M.S. (Pharm.) in Pharmaceutics with GATE/GPAT/CSIR-NET or equivalent examination will be preferred.
Interested candidate should send their complete bio data to the principal investigator Dr. Anupama Mittal through email (anupama.mittal@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in) on or before 04th March 2018.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed through Email and will be called for interview to be at Department of Pharmacy, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus.
1. Positions mentioned are purely temporary and for the period of duration of the project.
2. If performance of candidate not found satisfactory, position can be terminated within one month of prior notice.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Opportunity for Pharmaceutical professionals for the post of Research Associate at CSIR-URDIP

CSIR-URDIP works in the area of Scientific Informatics (ChemBioinformatics / Patent Informatics / Phytoinformatics / Toxinformatics) and related software development projects. We believe in delivering outstanding knowledge-based services and solutions with high quality and unmatched standards.  CSIR-URDIP has a vibrant scientific community consisting of Scientists, Intellectual Property Specialists, Technologists and Project Assistants. The scientific staff are the true strength of CSIR-URDIP. Scientists and Technologists are permanent employees while Project Assistants are hired for a fixed duration depending upon the needs of a particular project. We have an open work culture where talents are honed, achievements recognized, and every contribution is valued.. Hierarchy matters very little when it comes to working relationships at CSIR-URDIP. Senior colleagues provide a nurturing environment and actively mentor freshly recruited scientists and project staff.
CSIR has set up a Unit for Research and Development of Information Products (CSIR-URDIP) at Pune to work in the area of Scientific Informatics relating to Chembioinformatics / Patent Informatics / Phytoinformatics and Toxinformatics.
Post : Research Associate – II / III (Chemical or Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Applications are invited from Qualified Candidates who meet the following educational and experience requirement for consideration for the position of Research Associate at CSIR-URDIP on existing and new projects at CSIR-URDIP.
Post Code : RA01
No of Posts : 06
Qualification :
Essential: Ph.D in Organic Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Sciences with 2 to 4 years of relevant informatics or research experience.
Desirable: Experience in development and use of computational tools and techniques in the area of chembioinformatics.

*This represents tentative number of posts available at present. The final number of posts may vary. CSIR-URDIP will make a panel of suitable candidates which will be used to fill up vacancies in near future for the existing and new projects. The selected candidates will be intimated and appointed based on the approval of the project and receipt of budget from funding agencies.
Consolidated Stipend Payable:
For Research Associate - II - Rs. 38,000.00 p.m. + 20% HRA.
For Research Associate - III - Rs.40,000.00 p.m.+ 20% HRA.
The placement as Research Associate II or III will depend upon qualifications, experience as well as performance in the interview and as recommended by the selection committee. The decision of Head, URDIP will be final in this regard.

Job Requirement: Preference will be given to those who are having knowledge of scientific and technical data analytics including patent analytics, cheminformatics, good presentation skills and candidates with a potential to lead a team and work towards achieving the proposed goals.

Desirable qualifications and Skills
• Aptitude for analysis of research publications and patent documents, data mining and analytical skills
• Excellent Oral and Written Communication in English language
• Proficiency in use of commonly used software for word processing, database searching, spreadsheet, presentations
Age Limit: The upper age limit for applying shall be 35 years. The upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years in the case of applicants belonging to scheduled castes / scheduled tribes / OBC, physically handicapped and women applicants.

The appointment shall be purely on temporary basis as stipulated by the existing rules of the CSIR. The engagement will be made initially for a period of six months, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the satisfactory performance and conduct of the candidates. The engagement will be purely on temporary and contract basis and shall not be a CSIR/URDIP appointment, temporary or otherwise and shall not entitle him/her to any right/claim, implicit or explicit, for his/her consideration against any CSIR/URDIP post/fellowship.
Candidates fulfilling the above essential qualifications and experience are encouraged to submit the filled-in Application Form (Visit “Career” Section of our website “ urdip.res.in” to apply online) intended for the purpose on or before March 7, 2018.
Mere possession of educational qualifications and experience does not confer any automatic right to candidates to be called for the interview. The screening committee may apply higher limit or criteria for short listing of candidates. The decision of Head, URDIP shall be final in this regard.
The shortlisted eligible candidates will be called by E-mail for interview to the following
CSIR Unit for Research and Development of Information Products
"Tapovan" S.No. 113 & 114, NCL Estate,
Pashan Road, Pune-411008, Maharasthra, India
The candidates should bring the following documents at the time of interview a) Printout of the online submitted form, generated after submission of the details duly signed,
b) Original qualification and experience certificates along with one set of photocopies.
c) No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

Opening for freshers as Research Scholars at NAIB- under Government of India

Post : Research Scholars Program

NIAB’s current research interests include
• host-pathogen interactions and pathogenomics
• next generation vaccines, diagnostics, adjuvants and drug delivery platforms
• nutrition, metabolomics and metabolic disorders
• genetics and genomics
• gene and protein engineering
• reproductive biotechnology
• transgenic technology
• bioinformatics
• human-animal interface and One Health
Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
Individuals desirous of seeking admission must have a Master’s degree in any branch of Life Science (M.Sc., M.Tech., M.V.Sc., or M.Pharm). Candidates must also have secured CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE NET JRF/UGC-RGNF or any other national research fellowship for 5 years. Applications will also be accepted from candidates who have secured a fellowship and have completed or are likely to complete the required courses in the academic year 2018-19. Advertisement No. RSP-1/2018 Having a fellowship is mandatory for consideration. The terms and conditions, fellowship amount etc. will be governed by the awarding funding agency subject to the Rules and conventions of the Institute.
Application and Selection Procedure: 
Candidates who meet the above eligibility criteria may apply online (link at niab.org.in). The online application facility will be open from 19/02/2018 to 05/03/2018. No need to send the print out of applications. Applicants having difficulty in accessing the portal may contact “The Senior Manager, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB) at admin@niab.org.in. Applications found to be in order will be screened, and only short-listed candidates will be called for interview to be conducted on 26/03/2018.
Candidates must make their own arrangements for any travel, boarding and lodging. No TA/DA will be paid by NIAB for attending the interview. The results will be announced within a week of the interview.
Selected candidates are expected to join the RSP by 15/04/2018. Those who have secured a fellowship and have completed or are likely to complete the required courses in the current academic year, will be admitted provisionally pending satisfactory fulfilment of the requirements at the time of joining. Reservations are as per statutory norms. Single room hostel facilities will be provided.
NIAB reserves the right to accept / reject applications or candidature or admission in case of any discrepancy observed at any stage

Admission to Ph.D Programme at NISER - M.Pharm may apply

A primary objective of the Institute is to train and nurture human resources in the Sciences for the knowledge economies of the future. This is in line with a general shift in geo-political thinking that requires a remedy for sites of knowledge production centred in the west. Such a strategic shift in perspective has been necessitated by the realization that the unique circumstances of our nation demand unique scientific and pedagogic responses. Consequently, we are called upon to question and account for conventional narratives that stake claims to categorizations of science, technology, environment, learning, innovation, design and being. The predominant discourse that seeks to structure these superficially hard categories is predicated on justifications that till date have not moved beyond regimes of hierarchy, control and access. These strictures are an inherent feature of “Institutionalized Science” where Newtonian principles of organizing domains of cognition and mechanisms of representation constrain debates on what new conceptualizations of science ought to be like. More problematically this stifles the potential for interdisciplinarity just when everybody talks its language.
Admission to Ph.D Programme - 2018-19 (Summer Session)
Biological Sciences
Minimum Educational Qualifications : 60% or equivalent GPA in Masters or M. Tech in any branches of Biology, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Computer Sciences, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology. Students with Master’s degree in Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics having interest in pursuing a career in Biology are also encouraged to apply.
Chemical Sciences
Minimum Educational Qualifications : 60% or equivalent GPA in Masters in Chemistry or allied fields. Student with Master’s degree in any branches of Basic Sciences or M.Tech in Applied Chemistry or Computer Sciences with interest in pursuing career in Chemistry are also encouraged to apply
Physical Sciences
Minimum Educational Qualifications : 60% or equivalent GPA in Master’s degree cumulatively tillthe last year/semester examination appeared in M.Sc majoring in Physics OR M.E./M.Tech in Applied Physics
Mathematical Sciences
Minimum Educational Qualifications : 60% or equivalent GPA in Masters in Mathematics or Statistics or Computer Science
Humanities and Social Sciences
Minimum Educational Qualifications : 60% or equivalent GPA in Masters in Social Sciences and allied disciplines
Research areas in School of Biological Sciences:
• Regulation of cell adhesion and signaling in Helicobacter pylori-mediated gastric cancer progression.
• Study of membrane biogenesis: Mechanism and regulation of nuclear remodeling and role of dynamins
• Regulation of cell structure and functions by thermosensitive TRP ion channels
• Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics of Ageing Disorders:Neurodegeneration and Cancer
• Antibiotic resistance and virulence: Focus on membrane proteins and persistence phenomenon
• Interaction of light and auxin in shaping development in plants; Role of splice variant of constsns, CO like and GIGANTEA in the regulation of Florigen
• Molecular Genetics of Gallbladder cancer; putative angiogenic regulators and tumorigenesis
• Neuro endorcrine regulation, Neural circuitry of energy balance and reproduction
• Translational Control
• Structure-and-function work on two component systems/transporters
• Regulation of cell and tissue morphology
• Organisation of cytoskeleton by molecular motors in extant eukaryotes: dictyostelium and tetrahymena;Mitotic apparatus in Bacterial systems
Student intake in these advertised areas will depend on the availability of seats with individual Pis.
How to Apply
• The application form has to be filled up online at http://www.niser.ac.in and candidates should follow stepwise instructions mentioned to complete the application submission process. At the time of application, along with this online form, the candidate should upload soft copy of the supporting documents as per the eligibility criteria.
• Candidates intending to apply for more than one school should fill up online application forms for each school and submit separate forms with appropriate supporting documents.
• Two sealed letters of reference in the prescribed format with signature of the referee on the envelope should be produced by the student at the time of interview. The copy of the reference letter is available online.
• NISER does not demand any application fee from the candidates who apply for Ph.D program.
Important dates:
• Online application will be activated on - 26/02/2018
• Last date for filling up online application - 26/03/2018
• List of short-listed candidates will be uploaded on NISER website latest by
1. School of Physical Sciences 16.04.2018
2. School of Biological Sciences 06.04.2018
3. School of Mathematical Sciences 06.04.2018
4. School of Chemical Sciences 10.04.2018
5. School of Humanities & Social Sc 03.04.2018
• Tentative dates for test/interview will be as follows:
1. School of Physical Sciences:
2. School of Biological Sciences:
3. School of Chemical Sciences:
4. School of Mathematical Sciences
5. School of Humanities and Social Sciences:
each school will send the call letters to the candidates separately.
• Kindly refer to the website for the date of announcement of the selected candidates.
• The registration is scheduled to be held on 24th July, 2018'(Tuesday).
Accommodation in hostels for the days of interview/test can be provided subject to availability. Desirous candidates should send an email request tochiefwarden@niser.ac.in and viiay@niser.ac.in.
• For any further query, mail to cpsbs@niser.ac.incpsps@niser.ac.in,cpscs@niser.ac.incpsms@niser.ac.incpshss@niser.ac.in for Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities & Social Sciences, respectively.
• Applicants are encouraged to visit school web page for information on research activities.
Address for communication and more details:
Faculty-In Charge (Academic Affairs),
National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER),
Po-Bhimpur-Padanpur, Via-Jatni, Dist-Khurda-752050
Email- dean_aa@niser.ac.in

Career for M.Sc, M.Pharm as Associate at PAREXEL

Post : Associate-Evidence Evaluation
Job Description
• Review scientific evidence emerging from clinical efficacy and safety studies
• Develop, run and validate literature searches for efficacy and adverse event data
• Analyse evidence based on standard network meta-analysis techniques
• Development of evidence based reports on clinical efficacy and safety to support reimbursement and regulatory requirements
• Independently work on a range of scientific deliverables ranging from abstracts, to detailed reports following a clear, concise and scientific style with attention to detail on the depth of the scientific content
• Ensure deliverables meet Parexel quality or best practice standards in medical writing of accuracy, clarity and neatness
• Communicate project outcomes clearly and concisely both internally and externally to the clients with support from project managers.
• The production of systematic literature reviews, through the analysis of large volumes of qualitative and quantitative health care data, combined with the ability to interpret the information in a meaningful way.
• Development of a range of scientific deliverables ranging from abstracts, manuscripts to review reports following a clear, concise and scientific style with attention to detail on the depth of the scientific content.
• Production of internal deliverables/working documents including protocol and ensuring that the documents are of the highest quality standards
• Ensuring deliverables meet HERON quality or best practice standards in medical writing
• Participation in Client calls and discussion of project related aspects
• Application of medical statistics and meta-analytical techniques to analyze and interpret data.
• Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills
• Client focused approach to work
• A flexible attitude with respect to work assignments and new learning
• Ability to manage multiple and varied tasks with enthusiasm and prioritize workload with attention to detail
• Willingness to work in a matrix environment and to value the importance of teamwork.
• Strong writing skills in terms of clear, accurate and concise scientific content writing;
• Demonstrated track record of quality publications, presentations, and research or prior experience in medical content writing.
• Prior experience in client interaction will be preferred
• Hands on knowledge of computers especially Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word
• Recognized Post graduate or PhD degree in Pharmacy/ life sciences
• Excellent knowledge and preferably experience with a Pharma- KPO/ Pharmaceutical company
• Strong writing skills in terms of clear, accurate and concise scientific content writing; demonstrated track record of quality publications, presentations, and research or prior experience in medical content writing. Experience in health outcomes research will be preferred.
• Prior experience in client interaction will be preferred
• Good knowledge of bio statistics
• Hands on knowledge of computers especially Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word
• Good verbal & written English Communication skills
• Go getter mind-set with the ability to achieve the objectives set out by the management
• Methodical & Meticulous approach
• Process orientation
• Delivery focus
• High energy levels
• Passion for excellence
• Quality mind-set
Additional Information:
Location: Chandigarh
Education: M.Sc/M.Pharm/BDS/PhD
Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
Functional Area: Evidence Evaluation
Job ID : 42854BR
End Date: 18th March, 2018

Recruitment for Pharmacists (20 posts) under Department of Health and Family Welfare

Post : Jr. Pharmacist (Mobile Health Team)
Name of the Health Institution /Block & Number of Posts:
20 posts ( Akhnoor - 02, chowkichoura - 02, Pallanwala - 02, Dansal - 02, Kotbhalwal - 02, Marh - 02, Sohanjana - 02, Bishnah - 02, Pura - 02, Urban Jammu -02)
Rs 12,000/- per month Consolidated
Qualification : 
10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy training course from SMF or any other recognized institute.
Age Limit : 
Upto 45 years
Selection Criteria 
i)  Screening Test 60 points
ii) Matric - 10 Points
iii) Diploma in Pharmacy training from SMF or other Recognized Institute - 15
iv) Viva Voce -15 points =100)
Note:- item (i) to (iii) on prorata basis
Terms/ Conditions
1. Candidate must be permanent resident of District Jammu(PRC).
2. Permanent Resident Certificate to be treated as proof of residence.
3. Candidate will have to sign a Contract with the District Health Society Jammu and selected local candidates shall have to serve the institution where posted.
4. Candidate should have familiarity with socio-cultural and Socio-economic condition of District.
5. The cut off eligibility percentage in the written test shall be 50% for all posts.
6. Remuneration is as mentioned in the .umpires inclusive of all. against the respective post
7. Hiring will be purely on contractual basis. Initially contract will be for the period up to 31 -03-2018. and further yearly extension will be subjected to satisfactory performance of the candidate /approval of the post by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare .Govt of India.
8. In case of Female married candidate for the above said posts, residential proof will be considered from in -law- side.
9. The candidates shall not be entitled to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection
10. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates coming for interview .
I I. Application is liable to be rejected , if not submitted as per required criteria.
12. . Candidates who are already working under NHM, if desire to apply again, he/she must resign from primary post or apply through proper channel
13. It is clarified that candidates shall be allowed to appear in the interview subject to the verification of documents and fulfilling of eligibility criteria as prescribed in the detailed advertisement. In case any deficiency / forgery in genuineness in his/her documents found at any stage during verification of documents or known from any reliable source his/her candidature/selection for engagement shall be disqualified/terminated 
14.  Candidates who have obtained degrees through Distance Education Mode from the Universities recognized by the UGC us mentioned in GOVT Order No: 252 ME of 20I2 Dated:- 30-05-2012 issued by the Higher Education Department ; Civil secretariat J&.K after 2005 shall have to submit a certificate from the concerned university along with application from stating that the candidate had undergone the degree from their University head quarter and not from the of Campus locations established by these universities beyond their territorial jurisdiction.
15.  Local criteria for selection:
Merit will be made block wise with respect to Medical Unlocks of Jammu District after ensuring minimum cut off of 50% in written screening test. Any shortfall will be made out from over all district merit list..
16. Interested candidates from District Jammu only should apply by sending their application on the prescribed format enclosed. The duly filled in application form along with self attested testimonials two recent passport size photograph self attested) should reach in the office of the Convener/ Vice Chairman District Health Society (Chief Medical Officer) Jammu with  in One month from the date of advertisement. Date of written test will be notified separately.
18.  Date of advertisement : 08/02/2018
19.  Last Date for Submission of Application Form:- 09/03/2018
The application form completed in all respect should reach to the office of Chief Medical Officer by or before 9/03/2018 up to 4:00 pm along with following self attested documents:
1.  Permanent Resident Certificate (self attested).
2.  Matriculation Certificate, (self attested).
3.  Class 10th Mark Sheet, (self attested).
4.  Diploma/Degree of technical Qualification, (self attested).
5.  Marks licet of Technical Qualification, (self attested).
6.  An affidavit from the candidates on stamp paper of Rs 10 signed by Notary , where in the candidate will specify the Medical block he belongs to, accompanied by a certificate to the effect from concerned BMO as per l*RC. (self attested).
7.  All candidates to do the page numbering of all attached documents with application form
• The (MO Jammu (Vice Chairman District Health Society Jammu) reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts advertised or cancel the advertisement at any time without giving any reason.
• The application forms incomplete in any respect or received after the last date shall not be entertained.

National Science Day 2018"Science & Technology for sustainable future"

Chromatography Resin Market to Reach 2.64 Billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 7.35%

Growing demand for this technique in the pharmaceutical industry is the major driving factor.

Hyderabad, India -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/23/2018 -- Chromatography is a procedure to split combos of colored compounds into individual components. Resins are one of the crucial additives of chromatographic techniques. It allows in isolation of the desired thing from combinations of compounds. Resins are typically integrated into chromatography devices to cowl a diffusion of industrial/research wishes together with diagnostic check development, meals & drug processing and purification, and separation of biomolecules.

Chromatography resins are utilized in purification and separation of proteins and one of the kind bio-molecules in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food production, and environmental evaluation. Chromatography resins are of three kinds, artificial, natural and inorganic media. Herbal and artificial resins are desired over inorganic media. Chromatography resins are used in affinity, mixed-mode, on-trade, hydrophobic interaction and length exclusion strategies.

The global Chromatography Resin marketplace is valued to USD 1.85 billion in 2017 and estimated to develop at a CAGR of 7.35%, to attain USD 2.64 billion through 2022.

Increasing demand for resins for protein purification, monoclonal antibody production, drug evaluation and meals processing have caused the boom of this market. The growing application of chromatography resins in drug discovery techniques has accelerated its call for numerous folds in recent years. Chromatography resins are utilized in nutraceuticals and dietary chemistry. Chromatography resins are used to discover meals components (adulteration) which have been predominant trouble in the food enterprise. Biotechnology & pharmaceuticals are the main end-users for chromatography resins and are probably to gain greater significance in the close to destiny.
Chromatography resins also are utilized in business programs consisting of water remedy and environmental analysis. Some of the instructional make use of chromatography resins are in genetic engineering and drug restoration that may offer numerous opportunities for the chromatography resins marketplace. 

North America surfaced as the leading regional market, which is predicted to remain dominant for the duration of the forecast period. The presence of a large pool of producers, as well as providers of chromatography resins in North America is the important aspect behind the boom of the market. The Asia Pacific is expected to witness sizeable growth during the forecast period.

Some of the major companies of the market include Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., GE Healthcare, Tosoh Corporation, Merck KGaA, Pall Corporation, Avantor Performance Materials Inc. , Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation , Purolite Corporation , Repligen Corporation , and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 

Scope of the report
The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry by providing the estimations of market potential and forecasts with utmost granularity. Along this, the factors influential in effecting the market dynamics and trends are discussed in detail at the product level. Further, the performance of the market at the regional and country-level is assessed and the prospects with high growth potential are identified and debated.
The key players in the industry are profiled providing insights on their financial performance, market position and growth strategies. Comparative analysis on prime strategic activities of the market players delineating the key developments like mergers & acquisitions, collaborations and an evaluation of the competitive environment within the industry are provided. The report also offers a broad outlook of the market along with recommendations from industry experts on the opportunities for investment activity.
What else? Apart from the syndicated report, our in-house team has an expertise and experience in designing custom reports to meet your specific research needs and assist you in making well-informed decisions

Recruitment for Pharmacist (14 posts) at KMSC

Post: Pharmacist Trainees
Kerala Medical Services Corporation Ltd. (KMSCL), invites application for On-the-job- Pharmacist Trainees in Karunya Community Pharmacies / Depots in all over the State.
LOCATION: All 14 Districts
Applicants should be qualified in B.Pharm/D.Pharm and below the Age of 25 years as on 01.01.2018 and should be essentially computer proficient. Freshers and those who have appeared for final examination awaiting results can also apply.

Selected candidates will be paid stipend@ Rs. 6,000 and @ 7,000/- per month for D.pharm and B.pharm qualified personnel during the training period respectively. The selected candidates will be given the opportunity for working in the facilities of kmscl for one year which can be extended on the meritorious basis for one more year to the maximum.
Those candidates who are succesfully completing the traineeship will be given 25% weightage on interview to the future posts of Pharmacists invited by the KMSCL. Application form can be downloaded from the website of the corporation kmscl.kerala.gov.in.
Candidates with the above qualifications may send their application by email along with application form and essential documents with contact details tocareer@kmscl.gov.in or through post to the Managing Director on or before 28.02.2018.
NB:- In case of those candidates, who have not acquired Pharmacy Registration Certificate while applying or during an interview it should be ensured that valid Pharmacy Registration Certificate is being produced before placement as on the Job Training.
Head  Office  :  Thycaud  P.O.,  Thiruvananthapuram-14,

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