AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on "Recent Developments in In-Vivo experimentation - A Practical Approach" - 8 & 9 Dec. 2017 at Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy


INSPIRE INTERNSHIP CAMP 2018 from 2nd to 6th January 2018


2 to 6 January 2018

BIIS: Invitation for technology students to work on grassroots innovations

BIIS: Invitation for technology students to work on grassroots innovations

SRISTI in collaboration with BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)  is organizing two three-week BIIS (Biotech Ignition Innovation School) for validating, value adding and product development around  grassroots innovations. The BIIS will also take up a few cases of developing solutions for grassroots applications for human, animals, and agricultural applications including herbal technologies, medical devices and microbial solutions. First BIIS will be held in Ahmedabad, December, 9-29, 2017. Currently, we are in the process of talks with the universities in the region for further collaboration in this event.

During BIIS, the selected students will be assigned individual projects in primarily three action-research areas drawing upon mainly Honey Bee Network Database :-
1.      Pharmacognosy /Phytochemistry - SRISTI’s Grassroots database contains many traditional knowledge practices as well contemporary innovations from across the country. These projects would involve validation/value addition to these practices. A few of these practices are presented here-
2.      Microbiology-SRISTI has a Microbial Bank containing 8000+ organisms (bacteriafungi, and actinomycetes) isolated from the soil samples collected in Shodh Yatras from different parts of the country ( An extensive study of screening these isolated microbes for novelty and their potential human, animal, and agricultural benefits would be conducted.
3.      Medical devices- Value addition/product development of any of the open source projects listed on our summer school website ( ) regarding medical devices for human and animal health care.
The abstracts along with the objective of the projects will be shared with the selected students one week before the start of the BIIS. The participants would be expected to develop a project proposal and associated work plan. These students would receive an expert feedback on their proposals from the reviewers on the first day of the workshop.  These students will also receive hands-on training in various techniques of microbiology, extraction procedures, and using various lab equipment (AAS, HPTLC, HPLC etc.) as per the need of the project in the first week of the event. The Faculty from the institutions of participants can also be associated with their projects as external supervisors. At least ten of the outstanding selected projects from BIIS would further receive a research grant of Rs.1 lac to take their projects into subsequent stages of product development.

Students are invited to participate in this initiative of SRISTI-BIRAC by sending their resumes at The BIIS will cover boarding and lodging cost. Most of all, students would get an invaluable opportunity to interact with both national and international experts as well as grassroots practioners/innovators in their respective fields.
Last date to send your resumes for BIIS is 3rd November, 2017.
Kindly email at or call at 922 776 1140 for further queries.

Job for Pharmacist, Technician at Christian Medical College

The Christian Medical College, Vellore has its grounding in research from the work started by Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, its founder. Over the past century, CMC has contributed significantly not only to the provision of health care to the poor and needy but also in generating and advancing knowledge to improve the provision of curative and preventive services to the people we serve directly and to the nation.
Post : Pharmacist
r. Pharmacist Gr.IV (Project) for the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Qualification: B.Pharm with Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council Number
Salary: Rs. As per rules
Age Limit: 35yrs
Job Description: To work in Clinical Trials as a Non-Medical Co-ordinator
Staff III Graduate Technician (Project) for the Department of Clinical Microbiology
Qualification: B.Sc. Life Sciences with one year experience in Quality assessment of Medical Microbiology.
Salary: As per rules
Age Limit: 30yrs
Only Female Candidates need apply
Job Description: To work in Microbiology Laboratory in EQAS Programme
Last Date : 04/12/2017

Government of India Enterprise Recruitment for Pharmacist at NALCO | Government of India Enterprise

National Aluminium Company Limited(NALCO), a Navratna Company is the largest integrated Alumina – Aluminium complex of Asia, having State of the Art technology, with its present turnover of around Rs.8000 Crores, is going for further growth and expansion within India & across the globe. The Company enjoys Premier Trading House status in the field of export and has won many prestigious awards for its excellent performance with significant value addition to its shareholders. The plants and offices are multi-locational with its Corporate Office at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The Company believes in achieving organizational excellence through competent human resources and practices having “people centric” approach.
To achieve its vision to be a reputed global Company in the metals and energy sector, NALCO at Smelter & Power Complex, Angul is looking for committed, promising and result oriented candidates in the following discipline & position:
Post : Pharmacist Gr.III
Pay scale : Rs 11700-3%-27500/-
Upper age limit (in years) as on 31/12/2017 : 45
Minimum requisite qualification and experience : Matric/Higher Secondary/10+2 in science with recognized diploma in Pharmacist must be registered under Pharmacy Council Act and should have 02 years post qualification experience
1. For claiming the benefit of reservation/ concessions applicable for PWDs, the candidates shall have to submit a disability certificate as per the provisions of Chapter-VII(Rule-17 to Rule-20) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules,2017 of the Notification No. G.S.R. 591(E) dated 15.06.2017 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
2. Only such PWD candidates would be eligible to get the benefit of reservation/ concessions who suffer from not less than 40 % of relevant disability
3. Only full time Regular courses will be considered. This shall include Class X & XII examination, all Diploma(s), Graduation & Post Graduation except CA/ICWA qualification as specified under the minimum essential qualification(s) column.
4. All qualifications must be from recognized Govt. Universities/ Institutions, UGC recognized Universities and Institutes /UGC recognized Indian deemed Universities or AICTE approved courses from autonomous institutes/concernedstatutory council(wherever applicable)
5. The candidates should possess valid employment exchange registration card.
General Guidelines 
1. During the probation period and/or after absorption, selected candidates will be posted in the NALCO establishments anywhere in India & is transferable as per the organizational requirement. The selected candidates may be assigned jobs/ functions/ assignments related to their area as per the requirements of the Company including shift operation.
2. If the SC/ST/OBC/PWD certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a translated copy of the same by the Notary Public, either in English or Hindi.
3. Relaxation of five years in age will be extended to the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. Ex-Servicemen and children/family members of those who died in the riots of 1984 will get relaxation as per directives of Govt. of India.
4. The candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions as mentioned in this advertisement. Mere submission of application does not imply that the Company (NALCO) has been satisfied about the candidate’s eligibility. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment/ selection/even after appointment that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature/appointment will automatically stand cancelled, as thecandidature/appointment would be deemed to be void ab initio.
5. Screening and selection will be based on the details provided by the candidate; hence it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, legible, and full and correct information. Furnishing of wrong/ false information will be a disqualification and NALCO will NOT be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/ false information.
6. Candidature of the registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
7. Eligible candidates called for written test will be reimbursed second class rail/ bus fare by the shortest route through e-payment, on production of original railway ticket / number or bus ticket and copy of bank account number with IFSC code.
8.Requests for change of mailing address, test centre/ category / discipline as declared in the application, will not be entertained.
9. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
10. Candidates should possess a valid email ID. Candidates are advised to keep the email ID (to be entered compulsorily in the application form) active for at least one year. No change in the email ID will be allowed once entered. All correspondence with candidates shall be done through email only. All information/ communication regarding participating in the Selection Process shall be provided through email to the candidates found apparently eligible based on the application data and documents submitted. Responsibilities of receiving and downloading of information/ communications etc. will be of the candidate. NALCO will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
11. Only short listed candidates who are found apparently eligible based on the application data and documents submitted will be called for participating in the Selection Process.
12. Candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.
13. NALCO reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards. The Management reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. NALCO also reserves the right to cancel/restrict/modify/alter the recruitment process and also reserves the right to increase/decrease the postadvertised, if need arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever.
14. Canvassing by a candidate in any form shall disqualify his/her candidature.
15. Any dispute with regard to the said recruitment will be settled within the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar only.

Career opportunity for Pharmacist (33 Posts) in Assam Rifles

Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman Recruitment Rally 2017-18 will tentatively be held from 05 Jan 2018 onwards for enrolment into group B and C posts against 754 vacancies based on applications received from eligible male/female candidates for the trades as mentioned at Appendix A.
Post : Pharmacist
Total - 33 posts
Andhra Pradesh- 2,(OBC-01,GEN-01)
Gujarat -1, (GEN-01)
Jammu & Kashmir-1,(GEN-01)
Kerala -1,(GEN-01)
Madhya Pradesh -1,(GEN-01)
Maharashtra -3,(SC-01,OBC-01,GEN-01)
Manipur- 2,(ST-01,GEN-01)
Uttar Pradesh- 3,(SC-01,OBC-01,GEN-01)
West Bengal-3(SC-01,OBC-01,GEN-01)
(a) 10+2 or equivalent.
(b) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institution of the Central or a State Government for which for period of training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months: provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
(c) Possessing the qualifications under section 31 and 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under section 33 of the said Act.
(d) 10% vacancy are reserved for Ex-servicemen.
Age limit : 20-25 years
Pay Scale
Pay scale and other allowances will be as admissible to Assam Rifles Personnel.
Application Fee. Application Fee is Rs 100/- (Rupees one hundred only)
(a) The fees will be deposited online by the candidates applying system for which fee will be deposited into SBI Current Account No 37088046712 favour of HQ DGAR Recruitment Branch,Shillong-10
How to Apply. The following options are available for the eligible candidate to apply
(a) Online Mode :  Candidates shall have the option to submit their applications online through BELOW LINK. To fill up the online application click on ONLINE APPLICATION on the website The candidates will fill the requisite details as prescribed in the application form After the application has been filled up. the candidate has the option to make online payment via link given for online payment or alternatively the payment can be made at SBI Bank Counters as well. In both options the candidate will have to upload copy of the challan or receipt online Candidates while reporting for Physical Standard Test (PST) and Field Trials will produce original copy of payment receipt/challan for record of this office In case of non submission of receipt/challan the application may be rejected The candidates will also produce the printed copy of online Application Form duly completed and printed copy of Calling Lottor downloaded from the website, failing which the candidature of the applicants may be rejected. The online applications portal will be functioning from the day of publications of the advertisement to the last date of receipt of the applications
(b) Offline Mode (By Post) This option is applicable only to the candidates belonging from far flung & border areas of States of North Eastern Region (NER) of the country Ladakh Division of J&K. Sikkim. Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District, Lahual & Spiti District of Himahal Pradesh. A&N Island and Lakshdweep However online applications will also be accepted from the aforesaid regions Offline application other than these regions will not be entertained Format for submission of offline applications is attached at Appendix C The Application alongwith self attested copies of Educational Certificate. Domicile Certificate. Caste Certificate. Diploma/ Technical/ITI Certificate of the Trade in accordance with Qualitative Requirement and payment challan/receipt to be despatched to the under mentioned address through a registered post -
MEGHALAYA - 793010

Jan Aushadhi Medical Store

Objectives of the scheme:

Making quality medicines available at affordable prices for all, particularly the poor and disadvantaged, through exclusive outlets “Jan Aushadhi Medical Store”, so as to reduce out of pocket expenses in healthcare.

The Jan Aushadhi Scheme – a genesis
It is a well-known fact that branded medicines are sold at significantly higher prices than their un-branded generic equivalents, which are just as good in the therapeutic value they provide.  Therefore, if reasonably priced quality generic medicines are made easily accessible and available in the market, everyone would benefit.  With this objective, the Pharma Advisory Forum in its meeting held on 23 rd
April, 2008, decided to launch the Jan Aushadhi Campaign. To fulfill the aforesaid objective, a Task Force comprising senior officers of the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Chief Executive Officers of Pharmaceutical Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs), representatives of the Pharmaceutical industry, NGOs/charitable organizations and State Governments, and most importantly, doctors from reputed national institutions like the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Maulana Azad Medical College and Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, was constituted..  Senior representatives of the World Health Organization were also invited to these deliberations.  The Task Force held extensive discussions and unanimously recommended launching the Jan Aushadhi Campaign, starting with the sale of generic medicines through dedicated sales outlets in various districts of the country.  It was proposed that the campaign be launched in association with the Central Pharma Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) viz, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL), Rajasthan Drugs and
Pharmaceuticals Limited (RDPL), Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL), Karnataka Antibiotics Limited (KAPL) and Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited (BCPL) as part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities agenda.
t was proposed that the Jan Aushadhi Campaign be implemented initially for the period of 11 Five Year Plan starting from 2008-09. The Department proposed to open at least one JAS in each of the 630 districts of the country so that the benefit of "quality medicines at affordable prices" is available to at least one place in each district of the country. If successful, depending on the cooperation of all stake-holders, the scheme was proposed to be extended to subdivisional levels as well as major towns and village centers by 2012. 

Key objectives;

The key objectives of Jan Aushadhi Scheme are to;

 make quality the hallmark of medicines by ensuring  supplies from the CPSUs and also through other PSUs and GMP compliant manufacturers in the private sector.
 extend coverage of quality generic medicines, which would reduce and thereby redefine the unit cost of treatment per person.  
 provide access to any prescription drug or Over The Counter (OTC) drug in all therapeutic categories as generic equivalents.
 not be restricted to the beneficiaries of Public Health System but also to serve others. 
 create awareness through education and publicity that quality is not synonymous with high price
 create a demand for generic medicines “By All for All” by improving access to better healthcare through low treatment costs.
 also involve State governments, Central Government, Public Sector Enterprises, Private Sector, NGOs, Cooperative bodies and other institutions, being a public welfare programme.
 develop a model which can be replicated in other countries of the world, in pursuit of their common goal of achieving affordable quality health care.

The Jan Aushadhi Scheme was accordingly formulated and approved in the Standing Finance Committee Meeting of 01/02/2010 in consultation with the Planning Commission.  The Planning
Commission approved Rs. 24.25 crores for the 11, 4th Plan Period of the Scheme for opening 626Jan Aushadhi Stores (JASs) in the first phase.

For more details contact

Career for Pharmacist at Model Jail

The Model Jail, Chandigarh is the only Prison in the Union Territory which caters to the needs of Haryana, Punjab & UT Chandigarh, in the event of agitations.The Prisons are also not congested as the prisoners population of 450-500 falls much shorter of the prison capacity of 1000.The prison is well managed and kept very neat and clean proving true to its status of being a Model Jail. The prisoners are very well looked after and food, clothing and other facilities as per scales mentioned in the Punjab Jail Manual. Proper medical facilities are provided in the Jail Dispensary, set up under the charge of Medical Officer assisted by two Pharmacists. Medical specialists,Dental Surgeon and other specialists are deputed for check up of prisoners from General Hospital Sector- 16,GMCH, Sector-32,PGI. On medical advice prisoners are sent to the Government Hospitals for check up and treatment on expenses paid by Government.

The application of interested candidates are invited for filling up

01 post of Pharmacist (B.Pharmacy).

The salary would be paid as per the rates fixed by the Deputy Commissioner. UT, Chandigarh from time to time. These posts are purely temporarily. These posts are temporary and only for 89 days.
The candidates may appear before the Recruitment Committee of Model Jail. Chandigarh on 06.12.2017 at 11.00 a.m. along with required documents/certificate at Model Jail. Sector-51, Chandigarh

International Conference on Advanced Pharmacy Practice at Acharya & B.M. Reddy College of Pharmacy

Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy
Founded in the year 1992, Acharya & B.M. Reddy College of Pharmacy (ABMRCP) today is crowned with Cadilla Pharmaceuticals Limited Award for Best Industry Linked Institute in Pharmacy in AICTE-CII survey of Industry linked technical institutes 2016. The college is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The college is also recognized as a vocational training center of LSSSDC, New Delhi. The college is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, approved by the All India Council for Technical Education and Pharmacy Council of India, and accredited by NBA and NAAC. The college offers a wide range of programmes in Pharmacy - Diploma in Pharmacy, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Pharm D, six specialisations in Master of Pharmacy and Doctoral Studies leading to PhD.

About the Conference
The International Conference on Advanced Pharmacy Practice is aimed to provide a platform for academicians, doctors, healthcare professionals, researchers, pharmacy practitioners and students to promote quality use of medicines. This conference would create awareness about the innovations and best practices in clinical practice that help in improving quality of life of patients. This conference covers a variety of evolving activities performed by clinical pharmacists. The highlights of the conference are:
• A conclave for pharmacy practitioners and students from various institutions in India and abroad with healthcare practitioners
• Blend of speakers from India and Abroad, to give a holistic view of practice settings
• Research Presentations
• Skill development activities
• Cultural events
1st International Conference on Advanced Pharmacy Practice
Theme: Evolving Role of Clinical Pharmacist
December 18-19, 2017
Venue: Acharya Main Auditorium, Acharya Institutes,
Soladevanahalli, Bengaluru
Students/Research Scholars :
Early Bird Registration (Until December 05, 2017) : Rs 1000
Regular Registration (December 05 to December 17, 2017) : Rs 1500
Faculty Members/Pharmacy Practitioners
Early Bird Registration (Until December 05, 2017) : Rs 1500
Regular Registration (December 05 to December 17, 2017) : Rs 2000
Submission Deadline: December 05,2017
Acceptance Notification: December 10,2017
Organised by
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Soladevanahalli, Achit Nagar PO, Bengaluru - 560107

Walk in interview for M.Pharm, M.Sc at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmaceutical sciences. The Government of India has declared NIPER as an ‘Institute of National Importance’. It is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. The Institute is conceived to provide leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Posts : JRF/SRF
Applications are invited for the positions of JRF/SRF under the project entitled“Influence of Nrf2-ARE Signaling pathways on the Genetic and Epigenetic modifications in the Germ cell of Diabetic Rat: Role of Zinc and Selenium”(PI: Dr.G.B.Jena) sponsored by DST.

Fellowship : 
(JRF 25000/- p.m., SRF Rs. 28000/-p.m. consolidated) (HRA not available),
Education Qualification: i) M.S. (Pharm.) / M.Pharm. / M.Tech (Pharm.) / M.Sc. (Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Zoology, Life Sciences) ii) Candidates should have a minimum of 60% (or equivalent) in graduation/post-graduation. Research experience in molecular biology, in vivo and animal related work is desirable. Qualification can be relaxed for deserving candidates with relevant experience in the project area.
Age Limit: 
30 (age relaxation for SC/ST/PH is as per GOI rules). The above research position is for 16 months and are co-terminus with the duration of the project.
Walk-in interview will be held on 6th December, 2017 at 300 PM at the Conference Room of National Toxicology Centre, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, NIPER, S.A.S. Nagar.
Candidates should bring an application with detailed bio-data, at the time of interview giving details of educational qualification, experience (if relevant) with name of the Institute, post held, etc. Copies of all certificates need to be submitted along with the application. Names and contact details of at least two persons, who can be contacted for recommendation, should also be included. Original certificates need to be presented before the interview for verification.
Application should be accompanied by demand draft of Rs. 50/- (Rs. 25/- for SC/ST/PH) in favour of “Director, NIPER”, drawn on any scheduled bank payable at Mohali/ Chandigarh.
Candidates can send a soft copy of their application in advance, to email
No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the walk-in interview. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification of candidature.
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)
Sector- 67, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) – 160062

Job for Research Associate at Novartis

A global healthcare leader, Novartis has one of the most exciting product pipelines in the industry today. A pipeline of innovative medicines brought to life by diverse, talented and performance driven people. All of which makes them one of the most rewarding employers in their field.
Post : Research Associate : Oncology, Drug Discovery

Job Description
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Novartis Oncology Biotherapeutics Group. We are seeking a BS/MS level scientist with experience in immunology, immuno-oncology (IO), antibody drug discovery and/or cancer biology to be a key member of our team in developing innovative antibody based oncology therapeutics.
The associate in this role is expected to function well within multi-disciplinary teams, generate data that increase our biological understanding of emerging cancer targets and contribute to the advancement of antibody-based drug discovery projects. At NIBR we believe that along with our scientists, our culture is our greatest asset. The successful candidate will enjoy a highly nurturing scientific environment that exists within Novartis Oncology and an opportunity to play a significant role in anti-cancer drug development.
Candidate Profile
We are looking for a BS/MS scientist with a minimum of 3-5 years of industry experience. An excellent working knowledge and direct experience of a breadth of cellular and molecular biological methods such as cell culture, flow cytometry, transient/stable cell line generation, RT-qPCR and ELISAs are required. Experience with functional immune cell assay techniques including cytokine profiling, cytotoxicity assays, isolation, and phenotypic characterization of primary human and mouse immune cell subsets as well as advanced flow cytometry skills for performing multicolor immuno-phenotyping on in vitro and ex vivo samples is highly desired. Experience in the field of cancer biology, particularly with development of in vitro cell assays for the evaluation of chemical compounds or therapeutic antibodies/drug conjugates (ADCs) is beneficial. The candidate is expected to be scientifically motivated and work in a collaborative manner within our team-oriented environment while capable of independently conducting innovative research. The ability to analyze, interpret and present data in a clear fashion is crucial, as are good communication skills, both oral and written.
Additional Information: 
3-5 years
Industry Type: Pharma/ Healthcare/ Clinical research
Functional Area: Research & Development
Job ID: 224327BR
Last Date: 21st December, 2017

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